Blighted Properties
Blight Remediation
Blighted Properties are submitted to the Columbia County Redevelopment Authority (CCRA) for consideration. Prior to submission, the municipality must pass a resolution and CFR for blight remediation that applies to the property, authorize CCRA to access the property for inspections and request that the Commissioners designate CDBG funds to the remediation of this property.
Representatives of CCRA will complete property inspection, determine that the property meets specific criteria. To qualify for demolition, the costs to rehabilitate the house to applicable health and safety standards must exceed $15,000, or $15 per square foot.
- 31 Old Numidia RD
- 6510 Second Street

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Quick Facts
- Blighted Properties are submitted to the Columbia County Redevelopment Authority (CCRA) for consideration. Prior to submission, the municipality must pass a resolution and CFR for blight remediation that applies to the property, authorize CCRA to access the property for inspections and request that the Commissioners designate CDBG funds to the remediation of this property.
- Representatives of CCRA will complete property inspection, determine that the property meets specific criteria. To qualify for demolition, the costs to rehabilitate the house to applicable health and safety standards must exceed $15,000, or $15 per square foot.
- Only sites that qualify under the cost reasonable test are able to be submitted for demolition under the blight program. Representative should take pictures during this time to document conditions.
- All requests will be presented to the County Commissioners with a determination from CCBRT that the project meets, or fails to meet the objectives and requirements of the program. If an application is denied, the County Commissioners will provide the basis for the denial. The CCRA will notify the applicant of the denial and reasons for the denial. If project is approved, CCRA and the municipality will enter into an agreement to proceed with the demolition.
- If the property is not owned by a municipality then the municipality MUST enter into a contingent sales agreement with the property owner allowing CCRA to complete a title search, the Environmental Review Record (ERR), the DEP Asbestos Abatement and Demolition/Renovation Notification Report and determine whether the structure is residential or commercial.
- If the reports completed are favorable, the project is then bid out. The bid packet will include the results of the ERR and Demolition Inspection.
- CCRA will review all responsive bids and award a demolition contract. .
- Prior to the demolition of any property, contractors must obtain required permits from the applicable jurisdiction.
- Prior to the beginning of demolition, the CCRA will schedule a preconstruction meeting with the municipality and the contractor(s). At this meeting, the contractor(s) will be advised of rules and regulations that should be followed throughout the demolition process, as well as the expectations of CCRA and the municipality in completion of the project.
- When conducting demolitions, all demolition waste must be properly disposed.
- Periodically, project managers will visit demolition sites to determine whether the contractor is performing and documenting work procedures in accordance with the construction contract and specifications.
- After demolition is completed, CCRA will execute a final site inspection and take pictures to document completed work.
- If not already owned by the Municipality, ownership of the property is conveyed to the Municipality.